XSD Extension for UserArea
The UserArea TAG is a standard TAG in any standard BOD (Business Object Document). It is used by the application when you have to add extra info that is not included in the standard BOD. You can use a pair of Property TAGs with NameValue.
<NameValue name="ln.SalesIndicator" type="IndicatorType">true</NameValue>
Sometimes you have to add a well-defined structure as extra information and this is where you can use an XSD Extension.
- Access to a CloudSuite.
- User privileges to ION Desk.
- Security roles: IONDeskAdmin
Difficulty: Medium
Estimated completion time: 30 Minutes
In this section, you will see how to extend a standard UserArea TAG, define an XSD schema, and link it to the UserArea TAG for a specific BOD into the Data Catalog.
1. Check the standard BOD
For this example you will use the ItemMaster standard BOD.
Expand the Data Catalog menu and select Object Schema, filter on ItemMaster and click Search. Select the ItemMaster BOD and open it.

On the Formatted View tab, expand the original schema definition. You can see there is the standard pair of TAGs (Property, NameValue) related to the “ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea” TAG. The goal is to add an extra TAG pointing to your custom XSD schema definition.

2. Create the XSD schema definition file
Download and extract the item_ext.zip file located in the Downloads section (button labeled XSD_Schema) at the bottom of this tutorial. The zip file contacts this item_ext.xsd file.
First, you need to create the extension with the required tags. Below you can see the definition, save the file with the .xsd extension.

3. Add the XSD extension
Log into Infor OS Portal and select the ION tab. On the left side, expand the Data Catalog menu and select Schema Extensions. Select the Schema Files tab and click on Import button to import the schema file item_ext.xsd.

4. Link the XSD extension to the UserArea tag of standard BOD.
Now select the Extensions tab and click the (+) icon and fill the details as shown below.
- Noun: ItemMaster
- XML Path: ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea
- Schema: Select the uploaded xsd file. item_ext.xsd

Click Ok.

5. Verify the BOD structure.
Go back into the ItemMaster standard BOD.
Expand the Data Catalog menu and select Object Schema, filter on ItemMaster and click Search. Select the ItemMaster BOD and open it.

On the Formatted View tab, expand the schema definition “ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea” TAG. You will now see below the UserArea TAG of the XPath defined you can find the new XML structure ITEM_EXT.

6. How to use the XSD extension in the graphical mapper.
From the ION Connect menu, select Mappings and then click the (+) Add new Graphical Mapping option.

Supply a Name and Description and for the Source option select the Sync.ItemMaster BOD, you can choose any Verb as the UserArea extension is related to the Noun of the BOD. In the Target option select any other BOD that you like. Expand the definition of the UserArea Tag of the ItemMaster BOD and you can find the New XSD structure that you can map to the Target BOD.